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Ottawa Area Local Repeaters

The tables below list the two repeaters that the New Hams Ottawa group make use of. To find other local repeaters in your area we recommend either using the Repeaterbook website or their mobile app, and following the instructions below.

New Hams Ottawa Net Repeater Details:

Primary Repeater

Repeater Callsign:VE2CRA
Set your radio to listen on:146.940 MHz
Set your radio's repeater offset to:minus and the offset to 600 KHz or 0.6 MHz (which gives you a tx freq of 146.340 MHz)
Set your radio's CTCSS tone to:100.0 Hz and enable for tx (usually called ENC and if you wish for tx and rx, usually called DEC)
Repeater location:Camp Fortune hill, Qc
Repeater owner:OARC

Secondary Repeater

Repeater Callsign:VE3OCE
Set your radio to listen on:146.880 MHz
Set your radio's repeater offset to:minus and the offset to 600 KHz or 0.6 MHz (which gives you a tx freq of 146.280 MHz)
Set your radio's CTCSS tone to:136.5 Hz and enable for tx (usually called ENC and if you wish for tx and rx, usually called DEC)
Repeater location:Ottawa Fire Dispatch, 1423 Randall Ave, Ottawa
Repeater owner:Emergency Measures Radio Group

Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club (OVMRC) list of repeater with 100 kms of Parliament Hill

The page contains a list of local repeaters on many bands and midway down the page a link you can click that will take you to Repeaterbook but set up to give you a list of repeaters within the area.


Repeaterbook is an online, comprehensive repeater database compiled by the amateur radio community. Repeaterbook is available at: where there are links to both the Android and Apple apps that are available as a free download from the respective stores.

Guide to searching for your local repeaters:

Navigate to There is no need to register or login, unless you want to update information on a repeater.

From the menu list on the left of the screen, click on North American Repeaters. From the menu line near the top of the screen, select "Proximity". On the page that loads you can enter your location as the city name, Canadian postal code (or zip for the US), or use your coordinates. Enter the radius over which you want to search, say 25 km, and any filters such as the band and mode of the repeater. Click the search button to load a table of local repeaters.

If you wish you can re-order the rows of information or display it as a map by selecting the "Map Results" link and selecting Google Maps or Google Earth.

Page last modified on January 23, 2024, at 02:07 PM